Stable identifiers
Herbarium # JE 04005377
Collection # JE
Stored under taxonname Zygodon peruvianus Sull.   tropicos
Family Orthotrichaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned H.-J. Zündorf (JE) 2011
Ident. history T. Herzog: Zygodon aureus; H.-J. Zündorf (JE) 2011: Zygodon peruvianus
Isotypus of Zygodon aureus Müll. Hal.
Flora 58 (34): 535 (1875-12-01)
Typified by: H.-J. Zündorf (JE) 2011
Current Name: Zygodon peruvianus Sull.
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Schlim,L.J. s.n. (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date s.d.
Location Colombia
Label Neu Granada
Annotations Herb. T. Herzog, "ex herb. Geheeb", "leg. Schlim, in coll. Linden"

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